The Standardized Amiga Shareware Group was founded in early 1994. Most Amiga users will remember this time as the downfall of Commodore. SASG was born out of this crisis since we wanted to show our solidarity with the Amiga and its users worldwide for we knew that the liquidation of Commodore would not simultaneously mean the downfall of the Amiga computer. We also realized the urge to facilitate the shareware registration process for both author and end user and to offer an unprecedented service in the shareware scene. We felt that shareware has a great potential -- now more than ever due to the precarious situation of the Amiga -- so we wanted to revolutionize the shareware idea by giving it an upswing.

The following text is historical for it clearly shows what thoughts have led us to the foundation of the SASG. It was written in May 1994. A lot has happened since then, so you will naturally find a few speculations in the text that have already come true. We did not want to update the text since we are not supposed to change history. Therefore, you have to read the text from the viewpoint of the situation in May 1994:


Recently, one could unfortunately hear more and more voices already predicting the end of the AMIGA and therefore the end of a much beloved hobby for the most of us. Fact is, that the company Commodore International has liquidated and will probably soon disappear as a computer manufacturer. Of course, Commodore's flagship, the AMIGA, is in some extend affected by this incident. But just to declare the AMIGA dead because of this downfall is vastly unreasonable and stupid.

Commodore has not invented the AMIGA, the company had just bought up the technology in those days and financially supported the developers. So the reason for the success of this computer system was based on its outstanding and most innovative technology at that time (which partially still seeks the likes of her nowadays) and has never been the merit of Commodore.

The AMIGA became a very spread and in most fields established computer system which especially distinguishes itself through the dedication and enthusiasm of all hard- and software-developers, but in most respect through the loyalty and engagement of its users and fans.

These two standing legs (the developers and the users) were the most significant for our so beloved computer and the vivid activity and solidarity between those two groups represented far more than the usual kind of a customer-company-relationship. The AMIGA fans were a 'family' that stuck together and supported its computer system with all its strength and energy!

If this family continues to stick together, i.e. when both hardware-, software-developers and the AMIGA users pull together, then we are able to guarantee a very promising future for the AMIGA for the years to come without the (anyhow disastrous) support from Commodore.

Besides, our continuing enthusiasm for the AMIGA will certainly demonstrate to many leading soft- and hardware companies, that the AMIGA market's activity is still very high and has not ceased with the downfall of Commodore. As a result we will eventually be surprised with the new and powerful AMIGA, for which Commodore kept us waiting such a long wasted time.

Now, to simply abandon hope and drop the AMIGA would be a great mistake, because we all determine the fate of the AMIGA through our attitude and decisions. Actually this is not so much as bad...

To support the above mentioned thoughts, well-known shareware authors have founded the SASG. This should symbolize a first step in demonstrating that we do not give up and continue to show our loyalty to the AMIGA. We will not only continue to develop new programs for 'our' computer, but moreover we will team up in a never-before-seen organisation and simultaneously create a new quality standard for shareware.

We do have great goals and visions and are convinced that we can guarantee a promising future to the AMIGA fans with respect to the shareware scene through the SASG. The success however - as always - depends on the users and programmers themselves. Their support and feedback to this project pave the way for the SASG. We are very confident.

Martin Huttenloher, Stefan Stuntz, Kai Iske and Dirk Federlein

in May 1994

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